Project Tree

Description | Controls | Displaying | Keyboard Shortcuts


The Project Tree provides a hierarchical view of the data in the current Scheduling Project. You can expand and collapse the tree so only the information you want to see is available. The Project Tree allows you to add, edit, and delete items, as well as view the selected items web page or synchronize the Day, Report, Standings, Tournament, and Game Lists views to the currently selected item. To edit an item in the tree, just double-click it.



To display the Project Tree, simply click the Project tab. You can also select Project Tree from the View menu to show the project tree if it is not visible. Note: at times it is possible to hide the project tree with the Game List if both windows are docked on the same side of the screen. This can be done by dragging the control bar separator all the way to the top or bottom of the screen. You can uncover the Project Tree by dragging the control bar separator back half-way down (or up) the screen. 

 Keyboard Shortcuts
