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IStandings Interface Reference

The IStandings object. More...

#include <tsssx.idl>

Inherits IDispatch.

Public Methods

HRESULT getWins ([in] long lTeamID,[out, retval] long *pVal)
 Get the number of wins for the specified team. More...

HRESULT getLosses ([in] long lTeamID,[out, retval] long *pVal)
 Get the number of losses for the specified team. More...

HRESULT getTies ([in] long lTeamID,[out, retval] long *pVal)
 Get the number of ties for the specified team. More...

HRESULT getPercentage ([in] long lTeamID,[out, retval] double *pVal)
 Get the percentage of wins/losses/ties for the specified team. More...

HRESULT getNumOfTeams ([out, retval] long *lNum)
 Get the number of ITeam's in the standings. More...

HRESULT getNumOfGames ([in] long lTeamID,[out, retval] long *lNum)
 Get the number of IGame's for the specified team in the standings. More...

HRESULT getTeams ([out, retval] ITeamCollection **ppICollection)
 Get a collection of all the ITeam's in the standings. More...

HRESULT getGames ([in] long lTeamID,[out, retval] IGameCollection **ppICollection)
 Get a collection of all the IGame's for the team in the standings. More...

HRESULT getTeamHasStandings ([in] long lTeamID,[out, retval] BOOL *pVal)
 Figure out if the specified team has any data for standings. More...

HRESULT getGamesBehind ([in] long lTeamID,[out, retval] double *pVal)
 Get the number of games the team must win to be ranked first. More...

HRESULT getOvertimeLosses ([in] long lTeamID,[out, retval] long *pVal)
 Get the number of overtime losses for the specified team. More...

HRESULT getTotalPoints ([in] long lTeamID,[out, retval] long *pVal)
 Get the total number of points (for wins, losses, and ties) for the specified team. More...

HRESULT getPointsFor ([in] long lTeamID,[out, retval] long *pVal)
 Get the number of points (goals) scored by the specified team. More...

HRESULT getPointsAgainst ([in] long lTeamID,[out, retval] long *pVal)
 Get the number of points (goals) scored against the specified team. More...

HRESULT getPointDifferential ([in] long lTeamID,[out, retval] long *pVal)
 Get the difference between Points For and Points Against for the specified team. More...

HRESULT getRank ([in] long lTeamID,[out, retval] long *pVal)
 Get the ranking for the specified team. More...

HRESULT getForfeitWins ([in] long lTeamID,[out, retval] long *pVal)
 Get the number of forfeit wins for the specified team. More...

HRESULT getForfeitLosses ([in] long lTeamID,[out, retval] long *pVal)
 Get the number of forfeit losses for the specified team. More...

Detailed Description

The IStandings object.

The IStandings object represent the collection of teams in a certain division and the wins, losses, ties, and other data associated with the standing. Do not create this object directly, instead use the getStandings method of the ISeasonSchedule, or ITournamentSchedule object.

Program ID: TSSSX.Standings


    var eSchedules = new Enumerator(league.getSeasonSchedules());
    for (; !eSchedules.atEnd(); eSchedules.moveNext())
        oSchedule = eSchedules.item();

        // do something with the ISeasonSchedule object
        oStandings = oSchedule.getStandings(division.ID);

        Response.Write("There are " + oStandings.getNumOfTeams() + " with standings.");

See also:
ISeasonSchedule, ITournamentSchedule

Member Function Documentation

HRESULT IStandings::getForfeitLosses [in] long    lTeamID,
[out, retval] long *    pVal

Get the number of forfeit losses for the specified team.

lTeamID  The ID of the team you want to check for standings.
Returns the number of forfeit losses for this team.
    if (standings.getTeamHasStandings(team.ID))
        iNumForfeitWins = standings.getForfeitLosses(team.ID);

HRESULT IStandings::getForfeitWins [in] long    lTeamID,
[out, retval] long *    pVal

Get the number of forfeit wins for the specified team.

lTeamID  The ID of the team you want to check for standings.
Returns the number of forfeit wins for this team.
    if (standings.getTeamHasStandings(team.ID))
        iNumForfeitWins = standings.getForfeitWins(team.ID);

HRESULT IStandings::getGames [in] long    lTeamID,
[out,retval] IGameCollection **    ppICollection

Get a collection of all the IGame's for the team in the standings.

lTeamID  The team ID you wish to get the games for.
Returns a IGameCollection of all the IGame's.
    var obj;
    var eItems = new Enumerator(standings.getGames(team.ID));
    for (; !eItems.atEnd(); eItems.moveNext())
        obj = eItems.item();
        // do something with the obj
See also:
IGame, IGameCollection

HRESULT IStandings::getGamesBehind [in] long    lTeamID,
[out, retval] double *    pVal

Get the number of games the team must win to be ranked first.

lTeamID  The ID of the team you want to check for standings.
Returns a floating point value representing the number of games this team is behind.
    if (standings.getTeamHasStandings(team.ID))
        iGamesBehind = standings.getGamesBehind(team.ID);

HRESULT IStandings::getLosses [in] long    lTeamID,
[out, retval] long *    pVal

Get the number of losses for the specified team.

lTeamID  The ID of the team you wish to receive information on.
Returns the number of losses for the selected team.
    var iLosses = standings.getLosses(team.ID);

HRESULT IStandings::getNumOfGames [in] long    lTeamID,
[out,retval] long *    lNum

Get the number of IGame's for the specified team in the standings.

lTeamID  The ID of the team you wish to get standings for.
Returns the number of IGame's.
    var iNum = standings.getNumOfGames(team.ID);
See also:

HRESULT IStandings::getNumOfTeams [out,retval] long *    lNum

Get the number of ITeam's in the standings.

Returns the number of ITeam's in the standings.
    var iNum = standings.getNumOfTeams();

HRESULT IStandings::getOvertimeLosses [in] long    lTeamID,
[out, retval] long *    pVal

Get the number of overtime losses for the specified team.

lTeamID  The ID of the team you want to check for standings.
Returns the number of overtime losses for the team.
    if (standings.getTeamHasStandings(team.ID))
        iOTLosses = standings.getOvertimeLosses(team.ID);

HRESULT IStandings::getPercentage [in] long    lTeamID,
[out, retval] double *    pVal

Get the percentage of wins/losses/ties for the specified team.

The percentage is calculated by taking the number of wins divided by the number of games played, plus the number of ties divided by two times the number of games played:

Percentage = (Wins / GamesPlayed) + (Ties / (2 * GamesPlayed) )

lTeamID  The ID of the team you wish to receive information on.
Returns the percentage of wins/losses/ties for the specified team.
    var dblPercentage = standings.getPercentage(team.ID);

HRESULT IStandings::getPointDifferential [in] long    lTeamID,
[out, retval] long *    pVal

Get the difference between Points For and Points Against for the specified team.

lTeamID  The ID of the team you want to check for standings.
Returns the difference between the PointsFor and PointsAgainst values.
    if (standings.getTeamHasStandings(team.ID))
        iDiff = standings.getPointDifferential(team.ID);

HRESULT IStandings::getPointsAgainst [in] long    lTeamID,
[out, retval] long *    pVal

Get the number of points (goals) scored against the specified team.

lTeamID  The ID of the team you want to check for standings.
Returns the number of points (or goals) scored against this team during the season.
    if (standings.getTeamHasStandings(team.ID))
        iPtsAgainst = standings.getPointsAgainst(team.ID);

HRESULT IStandings::getPointsFor [in] long    lTeamID,
[out, retval] long *    pVal

Get the number of points (goals) scored by the specified team.

lTeamID  The ID of the team you want to check for standings.
Returns the number of points (or goals) scored by this team during the season.
    if (standings.getTeamHasStandings(team.ID))
        iPtsFor = standings.getPointsFor(team.ID);

HRESULT IStandings::getRank [in] long    lTeamID,
[out, retval] long *    pVal

Get the ranking for the specified team.

lTeamID  The ID of the team you want to check for standings.
Returns the current ranking for this team.
    if (standings.getTeamHasStandings(team.ID))
        iRanking = standings.getRank(team.ID);

HRESULT IStandings::getTeamHasStandings [in] long    lTeamID,
[out, retval] BOOL *    pVal

Figure out if the specified team has any data for standings.

lTeamID  The ID of the team you want to check for standings.
Returns true if the team has data for standings, false otherwise.
    if (standings.getTeamHasStandings(team.ID))
        iWins = standings.getWins(team.ID);

HRESULT IStandings::getTeams [out,retval] ITeamCollection **    ppICollection

Get a collection of all the ITeam's in the standings.

Returns a ITeamCollection of all the ITeam's in the standings.
    var obj;
    var eItems = new Enumerator(standings.getTeams());
    for (; !eItems.atEnd(); eItems.moveNext())
        obj = eItems.item();
        // do something with the obj
See also:
ITeam, ITeamCollection

HRESULT IStandings::getTies [in] long    lTeamID,
[out, retval] long *    pVal

Get the number of ties for the specified team.

lTeamID  The ID of the team you wish to receive information on.
Returns the number of ties for the selected team.
    var iTies = standings.getTies(team.ID);

HRESULT IStandings::getTotalPoints [in] long    lTeamID,
[out, retval] long *    pVal

Get the total number of points (for wins, losses, and ties) for the specified team.

lTeamID  The ID of the team you want to check for standings.
Returns the total points for wins, losses, and ties during the season.
    if (standings.getTeamHasStandings(team.ID))
        iTotalPoints = standings.getTotalPoints(team.ID);

HRESULT IStandings::getWins [in] long    lTeamID,
[out, retval] long *    pVal

Get the number of wins for the specified team.

lTeamID  The ID of the team you wish to receive information on.
Returns the number of wins for the selected team.
    var iWins = standings.getWins(team.ID);

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